The Black Street Butcher Strikes Back

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​Nobody put it together at first, even though the tape was discovered in an apartment at 414 Canary St. leased out to two (2) disappeared women named Kim Watt and Tina Pleshette. But later, investigators going through evidence managed to find an old dusty VCR tucked away in the confiscated electronics room, and popped it in while they took a break. 25 minutes and a box of Krispy Kreme later, up came the same scene: A blonde getting stabbed in the hallway. A trip to the hospital. "I'm sorry, I thought you were that slut Chris." A sign taped over the bed: "Get Well Erica." "Huh, that's interesting," chuckling Detective Chris Doakes as he chomped down another cruller, looking at his partner. "Most interesting part of this piece of shit so far," quipped Det. Erica Ballard.


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